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《Complex》杂志专访 Kanye West - 谈论公众质疑与 adidas Originals「Yeezy Season One」发布会

2015-2-21 02:21| 发布者: Mic| 查看: 752| 评论: 0

近日,《Complex》杂志在 adidas Originals「Yeezy Season One」发布会之后对 Kanye West 进行了深度访谈。面对公众对自己涉足时尚领域的质疑、重返 T 台等敏感话题,Yeezy 娓娓而谈,他希望公众不在自己设计师头衔前加入任何类似「艺人」等身份前缀,而是单纯把他当作一名设计师,就如你想到 Eminem 时,你不会拿白人说唱歌手来定义一样,他只是一个 Rapper,是 Eminem;此外,Mr West 还就 John Galliano Maison Margiela 首秀、Supreme、Hood by Air 等品牌发表了自己看法,并大谈 Riccardo Tisci、Alexander Wang、Oliver Rousteing 给予自己在服饰设计方面的巨大帮助;最后,KW 还首度揭秘了「Yeezy Season One」发布会当天自己复杂的心理活动和巨大压力,其甚至认为此场秀就是决定他人生成败与否的分水岭。感兴趣的朋友可以点击此处在线阅读专访完整内容。

What was going through your head when you came out and took a bow on [following the adidas show]?

I just felt that my life was dependent on the success of this show. I set myself up to win or fail. To win or fail. And people were just waiting. “Is he gonna do it?” It was almost like the Super Bowl of culture in a way. It was like a David Blaine move in some ways. Are the sharks gonna eat me alive? It was, “Will he be eaten by the shark tank, or will he survive? Can he hold his breath for this long?” The three on the back of the Tyvek jacket invites was about the three years that I had been off the runway. And I had to hold my breath for that long.

But going back to the established dudes, you’re friends with a lot of fashion designers, like Riccardo Tisci, Alexander Wang, Olivier Rousteing… Have they given you any feedback on the collection?

They support me one hundred percent. They sent flowers, emails, and just love. They know I’m in that design office. They know I’m there giving an opinion. They know the concept of celebrity designer is so far out the window.

I feel like I’m Eminem, you know? You don’t think “white rapper.” You just think Eminem. You don’t think celebrity designer, straight designer, black designer, all these types of things that kind of held me back conceptually in being accepted as a designer. You just think of those words. But when those moon boots come out, you put them on your feet and just swag out and go somewhere with your friends, those words don’t matter.

I’m just happy that I was able to apply the mentality and passion that brought the College Dropout into existence. Now, I may finally have enough of a point of view and understanding to apply and create. Enough of a vision to make. There’s so many far more talented designers but I just have a perspective and a heart. And I’m gonna give all the heart and perspective that I can.

So what’s next?

More dope shit.








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