日本经典怪兽特摄系列《哥吉拉 Godzilla》最新作《哥吉拉-1.0 Godzilla Minus One》除了打破各种影史纪录之外,也成功在本月的第 96 届 Oscar 奥斯卡金像奖拿下一座「最佳视觉特效」,且于近日获得《奥本海默 Oppenheimer》导演 Christopher Nolan 的称赞。 Christopher Nolan 认为导演山崎贵执导的《哥吉拉-1.0》是一部优秀的电影,令人相当兴奋,整体制作相当精致且引人入胜,虽然主角是哥吉拉,但片中角色的刻画也富有深度,且成功赋予令人欣赏且深刻的历史感。 “I watched Godzilla Minus One and I thought it was a tremendous film. I thought it was so exciting. I mean obviously it’s beautifully made, and the mechanics of it are so involving. It’s so exciting, but also I felt like it had a lot of the spirit of your earlier film, The Eternal Zero. It had a depth around the issues surrounding the main story, even though the main story is Godzilla, and is an entertaining and exciting one. There was also wonderful depths of the characters, and a wonderful sense of history that I really appreciated.” 顺带一提,《奥本海默》将在 3 月 29 日登陆日本上映,《哥吉拉-1.0》导演山崎贵特别为其站台宣传,并与 Christopher Nolan 展开线上的隔空对谈,并相互分享相关映后心得。 据了解两位导演在奥斯卡颁奖典礼中对于彼此的电影有着热烈的交谈,并在过程中向对方的作品表示钦佩,巧的是两部电影皆对于战争有着不同视角的诠释,《奥本海默》专注在原子弹的开发过程以及尔后延伸的人性及战争议题;《哥吉拉-1.0》则是将时空设定在二战后的日本,人民忍受着苦痛重新振作之时,哥吉拉的降临和犹如破坏神般的姿态不仅让许多人感到绝望,却也激发众人团结为了生存而战。 《哥吉拉-1.0》目前仍未登录港台两地上映,读者们敬请留意。 |
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