Rolex Deep Sea Special 之稀有无庸置疑,尽管在拍卖行上也鲜少见到其身影,此表搭载 42mm x 62mm 表壳,最为人印象深刻的 High Glass 圆顶表面是 Rolex 与瑞士海洋学家兼工程师 Piccard 教授合作开发,多得其厚实的底盖与水晶球状表面,尽管不是专为深海海沟所设计,在水面之下 10,900 米依旧能够正常运作。 而本次拍摄的这枚 Rolex Deep Sea Special 为编号第 35 的款式,曾是 Abeler 先生的私人博物馆 Wuppertaler Uhren Museum 其中一枚藏品,其在 70 年代入手此表,后来在 2001 年于 Auktionen Dr. Crott 拍卖,在表背处还刻有 10,908 METRES、35,789 FEET 和纪念日期等字样。 以下我们便附上数十年来曾经现身过的 Rolex Deep Sea Special,有兴趣的读者在浏览艺廊之于,亦可多加留意一番。 Prototypes No. 03, The Smithsonian Museum, Washington DC, USA – believed to be the very watch strapped outside the Bathyscaphe Trieste Submersible Commemorative Models No. 01, Musée International d’horlogerie, La Chaux-de-Fonds Switzerland No. 03, Deutsches Museum, Munich Germany No. 09, The Musée du Léman, Nyon Switzerland No. 22, Rolex Geneva Switzerland, toured in the United States with Lt. Don Walsh No. 30, Swiss Museum of Transport, Lucerne Switzerland No. 35, formerly in the Wuppertaler Uhren Museum, currently offered at Phillips 2021 No. 36, Beyer Clock & Watch Museum, Zürich, Switzerland No. 47, Rolex Geneva Switzerland, toured in Singapore |
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