随著时尚界巨擘 Virgil Abloh 的殒落,除了从各处传来悼念的声音以外,Louis Vuitton 更将稍早落幕的 2022 春夏大秀更名为「Virgil Was Here」,致予无尽的想念。饶舌歌手 Kid Cudi 也于 Twitter 发布了一则推文,分享与已故设计师的最后一则简讯,并在 Instagram 留下对去世好友的想法,说明自己花了几天调适心情、寻找合适的字眼,才得以写出这些文字。 It’s taken me a few days to make this post. Tryna find the right words. Virgil was the kindest most warmest soul I’ve ever met. He was a true visionary, genius, disrupter, epic DJ and artist, but he was also just truly a beautiful human. I’ve never known anyone quite like him. And I know i never will. Once in a lifetime. Virgil, I thank u for being a true friend and always makin me feel special when u sent a text, made time for me to hang or sent some shoes w my name on them. I love you endlessly. Til we meet again my friend. I hope u see what you’ve done. You changed the world forever. You did that. I love you Virgil. Goodbye my friend Your brother, Rager 另外,透过其上传的简讯截图,他们于上周六通讯,除了讨论 Louis Vuitton 2022 春夏大秀的表演造型之余,Kid Cudi 亦大方对 Virgil Abloh 表达感谢之情和对彼此友情的珍惜。在 Twitter 内文写道:「I’m glad I got to tell u how I felt about u. I’m happy u didn’t leave here not knowing.」庆幸自己在最后一刻表达了想对 Virgil Abloh 说的真心话。 两人的友谊始于 2018 年,也就是 Virgil 上任设计总监的那年,Kid Cudi 以模特的身份参与了 Louis Vuitton 的时装秀,亦登场 Virgil 最后执掌的秀场伸展台,以自始自终时尚的方式缅怀挚友。Kid Cudi 的粉丝们也称赞其积极态度,并呼吁世界应及时对在乎的人传递爱意和感谢,希望各位读者们也能表达出自己的感受。 |
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