Ryan Reynolds 主演的《Free Guy》历经多次延期终于在上周正式上映,不仅于知名电影平台 Rotten Tomatoes(烂番茄)拿下 82% 新鲜度以及高达 95% 观众分数的高度好评外,目前全球票房更是突破 $5,000 万美金,今回本片主角 Ryan Reynolds 于个人社群帐户上证实《Free Guy 2》将由 Disney 制作发行,同时也将是双方近期继《Deadpool 3》之后的再次合作。 另外先前消息指出《Free Guy》导演 Shawn Levy 有可能执导最新一集的《Deadpool》,不过导演也做出非常暧昧地回应表示:「我要尽可能的回避回答这个问题,因为很可能就会成为一个答案,但我可以回答的是,我是 Deadpool 的粉丝,甚至可以说是铁粉,同时我也是 MCU 的粉丝,我相当认同这个英雄系列提供独立电影人更多表达自己声音、视野的机会,无论是 Taika David Waititi 的《Thor: Ragnarok》,或是即将上映的《Eternals》,以及 James Gunn 执导的《Guardians of the Galaxy》,这些都是货真价实的电影作品,只是刚好同时也是 Marvel 电影。」 I’m going to mostly skirt that question, which might be an answer. But I’ll answer the last part of it, which is: I’m a fan. I’m a fan of Deadpool, like a massive fan. And I’m a fan of the Marvel Universe and the way in which increasingly, individual filmmakers of real note can make and express with their own voice and vision through that franchise behemoth, whether it’s what Taika did with 《Ragnarok》, what 《Eternals》 is going to be, what James Gunn did with 《Guardians》. These are real films that also happen to be Marvel movies. 有兴趣的粉丝们不妨紧贴 YOBEST 跟进后续相关消息。 |
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