这几天爆出 WD My Book Live 连网储存设备会自动删除数据的事件,网络上已经有不少苦主在怨声载道,他们都损失了以 TB 计的重要回忆和文件。甚至因为密码失效而无法登录 WD 的云端诊断服务。其中一些使用者就在执行记录中找到,他们的设备是在星期三的下午 3 点收到执行指令,要求关机和进行原厂重设。 由于 WD My Book Live 是可以透过有线和无线方式连网,以便让不同平台的电脑、手机等设备使用,所以这种来自网路的指令都会接收到。有指这个机型虽然防火牆保护,但自 2015 年就没有更新。所以有说法是 WD 的伺服器端被骇,让骇客藉此实行如此规模的行动。 不过 WD 发的声明中就只有提到事件是因于恶意软体而生,并没有解释到骇客是如何成功入侵,目前也仅建议使用者把设备离线,以防被影响。 "Western Digital has determined that some My Book Live devices are being compromised by malicious software. In some cases, this compromise has led to a factory reset that appears to erase all data on the device. The My Book Live device received its final firmware update in 2015. We understand that our customers' data is very important. At this time, we recommend you disconnect your My Book Live from the Internet to protect your data on the device. We are actively investigating and we will provide updates to this thread when they are available." |
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