网上购物愈见蓬勃,各品牌都陆续投向这个市场。而早在 1995 年 eBay 已经发展线上业务,至今依然是强大得很,一个让全球民众在网上买卖物品的线上拍卖及购物网站。虽然网上购物始终有着点漏洞,例如买家收到货物后发现货不对办,又或者是在运送过程中出现突发事情,但依然无阻大家喜欢网上购物的方便。而 eBay 亦一直提升其服务品质,去年便为手袋产品加入认证真伪服务,而现在 eBay 便将服务扩展至高端品牌手表如 Rolex、Omega、Patek Philippe 等超过 30 多个,为产品验证后加入「真品验证」标签,并为买家提供 100% 的退款保证。有关服务是用来对付在网站上销售假商品的各种诈骗者,eBay Authenticate James Hendy 的高级主管亦表示: eBay has the largest selection of luxury goods—from rare and designer handbags to fine wristwatches—and we know this community wants an added layer of trust and confidence when buying in these categories. Since launching the eBay Authenticate service in the luxury handbag category, eBay has seen that items with the “Authenticity Verified” label are more likely to sell as similar non-verified inventory. 希望藉着这个服务杜绝这班不法之徒,而现在计划已经为将近 7,000 枚手表加入认证,未来几周预计将有大约 10,000 枚手表,对喜欢在网上寻宝的买家,相信此举会让各位更放心。 |
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