由知名女导演 Patty Jenkins 执导的《Wonder Woman》,搭配人气女演员的 Gal Gadot 的精彩演出,在 2017 年成功大放异彩,且在年末各大网站的最佳电影评选中屡屡上榜,奠定全新英雄电影里程碑。紧接著《Wonder Woman 2》将于今年暑假正式开拍,近日导演 Patty Jenkins 接受 Entertainment Tonight 专访时,表示她并不会将《Wonder Woman 2》视为简单的续集拍摄计画,将会以独立电影的格局与水平制作,并保证会延续第一集中影迷喜爱的元素,并改进不足的细节缺失。 We’re actually making a totally different film with a lot of the same, similar like things that we love, but it’s its own movie completely, so it’s not ‘two’ to us. It’s an entirely new adventure together that we couldn’t be luckier [to do]. 随后,Patty Jenkins 提到当初 1970 年代饰演 Wonder Woman 的女演员 Lynda Carter,曾有机会加入首集拍摄计画,可惜时间无法配合,续集中将会再度尝试。《Wonder Woman 2》将于 2019 年 11 月 1 日上映,有兴趣的读者不妨留意《Avengers: Infinity War》导演谈论 Thanos 的性格侧写。 We’ll see. Lynda is one of the dearest people to us, has been a great mentor and dear friend. And we actually desperately tried to get her in the first one and we had the scheduling that couldn’t work, so she’s always been a part of our Wonder Woman family. We won’t say anything yet, but we certainly—there’s no lack of trying. |
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