现今主流都在说 KOL,这解说各有袤眨,着实有不少人是实至名归,奈何绝大部分均是混水摸鱼,随随便便都自居,从而引发出一股颇为恶劣的风气,当然此风气只局限于香港。但那边厢全球之大亦有着事情发生,早前 FTC(联邦贸易委员会)便向 45 位名人的 Instagram 发生警告,指出他们所发布的照片,当中的品牌产品包含不明确影响,即是以植入式方法介绍产品,是一种营销手段,完全违反组织的披露准则。根据 WWD 的报导,当中收到警告的名人及品牌包括: Sean Combs, Naomi Campbell, Sofia Vergara, Heidi Klum, Victoria Beckham, Allen Iverson, Lindsay Lohan, Kourtney Kardashian, Scott Disick, Zendaya, Jennifer Lopez and Akon. In the fashion, beauty and retail space, letters were sent to Adidas, Chanel, Lorac Cosmetics, Chiara Ferragni Collection, Cabela’s, Johnson & Johnson, Eos Products, Matisse Footwear, Yves Saint Laurent and Puma. 另外 WWD 在报告上再提及到,不少人收到警告后已经将有关的相片删除。 The FTC’s Endorsement Guides state that if there is a ‘material connection’ between the endorser and the marketer of a product — in other words, a connection that might affect the weight or credibility that consumers give the endorsement — that connection should be clearly and conspicuously disclosed, unless the connection is already clear from the context of the communication containing the endorsement. Material connections could consist of a business or family relationship, monetary payment, or the provision of free products to the endorser. 联邦贸易委员会亦提到,有关违规人士他们所发布的「广告」,在字眼上未能起很大的作用,即使是以 hashtag 形式标示 #ad,#partner,#sp 等都不足够,因为往往消费者都需要再点击显示全文时才会发现,这样便不够明显地表示出是广告。委员会亦认为往后在 Instagram 张贴有关产品的照片时,必须充分解释他们是否免费获得产品或是因收受报酬而这样做。 以下不妨看看谁有违规。 |
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