好的东西总会引起人注意并且会效法模仿,套在品牌身上更加是家常便饭,Gucci 在推出以来便已成为假冒市场的目标。而 Gucci 亦认真地采取行动去确保这类以模仿去获取金钱的人遭受法律惩罚。最近一个案例则显示,在佛罗里达州举行的听证会上,一名联邦法官向 Gucci 作出了一个 900 万美元赔偿的判决,当中涉及近 100 个单独的网站贩售仿冒品,而其中 89 个网站是在中国境外经营,佛罗里达州法官已命令要停止所有侵权活动,并同时裁定涉及的域名必须归于 Gucci,纵使对 Gucci 来说是没有意义。暂时 Gucci 仍未对外发出正式声明,不过相信接下来的几个星期内预计便会有更多新闻提及到。 The recent explosion of counterfeiting over the Internet has created an environment that requires companies, such as Gucci, to file a large number of lawsuits, often it later turns out, against the same individuals and groups, in order to protect both consumers and itself from the ill effects of confusion and the erosion of the goodwill associated with the Gucci brand. |
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