Golden State Warriors 2015-16 赛季的 73-9 常规赛战迹,刷新 NBA 纪录,但决赛在 3-1 之下被 Cleveland Cavaliers 破天荒逆转赛果,与总冠军刷身而过,难免留下遗憾。虽然遗憾,73-9 这个成就仍然值得 Golden State Warriors 上下团队自豪吧?Michael Jordan 却有另一番见解。 Golden State Warriors 班主 Joe Lacob 最近接受 Bay Area Sports Radio Station 访问,被问及会否将 73-9 成就做成宣传物品,Lacob 说纵使自己认为「体育史上最伟大的战迹之一」(one of the greatest years you could ever have in any sport),但表示同是 NBA 班主的篮神 Michael Jordan,在纽约的班主晚宴上,当著 Golden State Warriors 班主 Joe Lacob ,以”73 don’t mean…” 抒发己见,席上还有 Cleveland 班主 Dan Gilbert。 “You know, the moment that kind of hurt me the most. Anyway, Michael Jordan — people are drinking and having a good time, and all that — but there was a moment where he said, ‘You know, 73 don’t mean [blank].’ He did it, Michael Jordan did that. And I looked at him, and I just decided not to make a big deal of it. I said, ‘You know, you’re right, we didn’t win it, we had to get better.’”-Golden State Warriors Joe Lacob Joe Lacob 自言很受伤,但他没有动气,因为篮神的确成就非凡。所以他最后眼望篮神说「你说得对,我们最后没有胜出,往后要更加努力。」1995-96 的 Chicago Bulls,创下 72-10 季度总冠军壮举,一直公认为史上最出色球队。2015-16 的 Golden State Warrior 在 73-9、总决赛 3-1 状况下,一直看好可以改写历史。当年公牛球队的灵魂人物 Michael Jordan,除了篮技出神入化,亦是殿堂级的 Trash Talker,对于 Best Team Ever 这个衔头,绝对寸步不让。不同的是,Michael Jordan 经已彻底退役,而 Golden State Warriors 仍可再创历史,虽然难度极高。 |
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