日前,一篇 Supreme 创始人 James Jebbia 于 2002 年接受街头时尚博客 Rift Trooper 专访的文章现身网络。在这篇罕见的文章中,13 年前的 James 就已经表现出对「炒卖现象」的痛恨,并称自己从品牌创建第一日起就努力为年轻消费者提供可负担得起的产品,而不愿意看到越来越多人购买产品仅仅是为了赚钱(见以下原文)。此外,James 还大谈对拳击运动的热爱,变向「默认」未来有可能推出人偶产品。感兴趣的朋友可以点击此处浏览完整专访内容。 I don’t like it very much simply because we try our best to make our clothing affordable for young people, after all Supreme is a skate brand & when I do see our things on ebay the prices are normally at least double what they should be. Basically I don琀 like people getting jacked for a T-shirt. I much prefer if someone buys something from us that they plan on wearing it & not selling . |
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