Nike 的创始成员之一 Phil Knight 近日宣布将卸任董事长一职,并于明年生效。Knight 此番动作,和 Nike 高层结构调整的过渡方案,其目的皆被认为是促进「长期发展」,并以媒体消息的形式刊登在 Nike 官方网站上。由于品牌近来业绩看好,甚至被 Forbes 估值为 $863 亿美元,76 岁的 Knight 同时表达了他继续留在管理层并参与未来重要决策的意愿。除了透露新角色和看好 Nike 之外,Knight 亦表示 Mark Parker 是更合适的董事长继任者。Parker 自从 2006 年入主 Nike 之后就一直担任总经理和 CEO 的职位。Knight 表示: “I believe Mark is the best choice to succeed me. He has been an outstanding CEO for the past nine years, and has demonstrated time and again his love for this Company and his clear vision for capturing the tremendous potential NIKE has to innovate, inspire, and drive growth. For myself, I intend to continue to work with NIKE and look forward to contributing to its future well after my chairmanship ends.” Nike 将于 2016 年正式宣布新任董事长的人选。 |
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