全球最大的社交网站 Facebook 正式宣布,目前已经与跨平台移动通讯应用 WhatsApp 达成协议,将以 $160 亿美元的价格完成收购,并且收购后 WhatsApp 仍将保持现有的独立运营状态。在这笔巨额的交易中,将由市值 $120 亿美元的 Facebook 股票与 $40 亿美元的现金组成,此外还包括了 $30 亿美元的额外限制性股票,是 2001 年以来最大规模的互联网并购交易。作为移动通讯应用的鼻祖,WhatsApp 目前已经积累了 4.5 亿的月活跃用户,不仅 70% 的用户每天都在使用,每天更有多达 100 万的新用户完成注册,可谓发展十分迅猛,而 Facebook 也正是看中了移动通讯业务中无限的发展可能。 对此 Facebook 创始人兼 CEO Mark Zuckerberg 表示: “WhatsApp had every option in the world, so I’m thrilled that they chose to work with us. I’m looking forward to what Facebook and WhatsApp can do together, and to developing great new mobile services that give people even more options for connecting. I’ve also known Jan for a long time, and I know that we both share the vision of making the world more open and connected. I’m particularly happy that Jan has agreed to join the Facebook board and partner with me to shape Facebook’s future as well as WhatsApp’s.” 更多收购细节不妨查看 Facebook 的官方博客。 |
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