依靠制作含大麻的产品讨饭吃,当中无疑存在著很高的风险,更有可能会遭受到法律制裁。但无论如何,还是有很多人会以此为工作谋生,向有需要的人提供大麻和与大麻有关的产品。BuzzFeed 网站日前就找到一位隐世埋名的大麻烘焙师,与读者深入探讨她「与大麻同行」的职业生涯。从亚洲或是某些国家的世俗眼光看来,当上一个大麻烘焙师可能是一件并不光彩的事情,但这位故事的主人翁却觉得自己与一般厨师无异,只是所选用的材料上比较有争议性罢了。以下节录了访问的部份内容,想了解这位大麻烘焙师的完整故事可登上 BuzzFeed 的网页上观看。 “I do smoke. Not all cannabis makes you sit on the couch for hours. I find that certain strains help me maintain my energy level and focus. So if I’m going to clean the house, I’ll have a little smoke and it’s great. It becomes more of a meditation, almost. It makes doing chores a lot more enjoyable. I don’t smoke every day and I don’t eat edibles every night, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with using them. I can take it or leave it.” |
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